Unveiling the P.O.L.A.R. Polygraph Instrument and Accessories
Understanding the Polygraph Instrument
At the core of our polygraph system lies the Data Acquisition System (DAS) – the heart and brain of the instrument. Our Model P3 DAS, equipped with 7 Channels, serves as the nexus for gathering data from an array of sensors attached to the examinee. These sensors include:
MOV (2 Movement sensors)
PN1 (Abdominal Pneumograph)
PN2 (Thoracic Pneumograph)
CUF (Sphygmomanometer)
EDA (Electro Dermal Activity)
PPG (PhotoPlethysmograph)
Warranty and Assurance
Rest assured, the Model P3 DAS comes with a 24-month warranty, ensuring peace of mind and long-term reliability for your polygraph examinations.
Exploring Polygraph Accessories and Components
A diverse collection of physiological activity is measured through an assortment of accessories connected to the examinee. These accessories play a crucial role in registering psychophysiological responses during stimuli presentation. They include:
Movement sensor
Abdominal Pneumograph
Thoracic Pneumograph
Electro Dermal Activity (Galvanometer)
Individual Sensor Functions
Each sensor serves a distinct purpose in capturing and interpreting physiological data:
Movement sensor: Monitors both voluntary and involuntary movements of the examinee.
Abdominal and Thoracic Pneumographs: Record respiratory activity.
Sphygmomanometer: Measures cardiovascular activity through blood pressure
PhotoPlethysmograph: Measures changes in blood volume, providing insights into blood flow and heart rate variability.
Warranty Coverage
For added assurance, all accessories are covered by a 12-month warranty, ensuring reliability and durability throughout your polygraph examinations. This warranty depends on the good use of the accessories.