Advanced Polygraph Course


Polygraph advanced courses. Polygraph clinics offer tailored courses designed to provide in-depth instruction in specific areas of polygraphy. These courses are meticulously crafted to meet the individual needs of each student, ensuring comprehensive skill development in targeted areas.

Typically conducted for groups of professionals seeking further training, Advance polygraph course are facilitated by TrustVeri5 and other external professionals renowned in the field. 

Key areas covered in these advanced courses, training sessions include:

Polygraph Test Question Construction

Test Data Analysis

Post-Test Interview Techniques

Forensic Polygraph Testing

Tailored Skill Development

If you have a group interested in honing specific skill sets, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We welcome the opportunity to customize a training program to address your organization’s unique needs and objectives through our training partners or directly if needed.

About our Trainer

(from B.E.A.R Institute)

Mr. Amável Sanches

With a bachelor degree from the Amsterdam School of Business, in the Netherlands,  obtained in 1997, Amável Sanches has been active in the polygraph industry since 2005.
Amável has contributed greatly to the polygraph industry by writing books about behavior analysis and interrogation and helped training polygraph students in countries like: Algeria, Angola, Brazil, Colombia, France, India, Portugal, Spain, RDC, South Africa, Türkiye and the United States.
As a full member of the APA (American Polygraph Association) he is also a primary instructor for APA accredited schools like Marston Polygraph Academy (San Bernardino, California) and Tudor Academy (Medellin, Colombia). Also member of the I.A.I.P.P. Association.
Amável is also member of ACEFIP (Association of forensic Experts in Spain), member of COPEJU-CE (Conselho dos Peritos do Ceará, Brazil).
Mr. Amável Sanches
Amável also has a postgraduate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain in Forensic Sciences.
Fluent in 6 languages (Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish) has performed polygraph tests in different countries and continents.
Amável is the CEO of B.E.A.R. GROUP which delivers different services to the polygraph industry like training through B.E.A.R. INSTITUTE, polygraph instruments through P.O.L.A.R. POLYGRAPH and the implementation of polygraph tests through B.E.A.R. FORENSICS.
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